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Important facts and figures about fibromyalgia you need to know

Important facts and figures about fibromyalgia you need to know

In the country, thousands of people are diagnosed with fibromyalgia every year. This debilitating condition can hamper the daily functioning of a person and it is important to know and understand all the facts for better outcomes.

Facts about fibromyalgia

  • It is known as one of the most prevalent and long-lasting conditions in the country and affects millions of people in the country and approximately three to six percent of the population worldwide. It is common in people of all races and ethnicities.
  • Even though the condition has been around for centuries, it wasn’t until 1981 that a scientific study of the condition first appeared. The study described the symptoms and tender points experienced by people who struggle with this condition. Brain scans for people with the condition show increased levels of activity in reaction to a pain sensation.
  • Women account for 75 to 90 percent of the population struggling with fibromyalgia. Most people are diagnosed with the condition during the period between 20 and 50 years, but the occurrence increases with age. By the age of 80, approximately eight percent of adults display the symptoms of this condition.
  • The condition may be more prevalent in adults, but it is increasingly being diagnosed in adolescents as well. A study on adolescents with juvenile primary fibromyalgia syndrome (JPFS) showed that they struggled with peer relationships as there was a tendency for them to be more isolated and reserved.
  • Fibromyalgia is hard to diagnose as there is no particular laboratory test for it. X-rays or blood tests do not show the existence of the condition. A diagnosis is made after an extensive period of checking symptoms and a physical exam.
  • A person with the condition may appear healthy. The chronic pain that characterizes this condition may not have been caused due to an injury, but it is real and can impede the daily functioning of the person.
  • Symptoms of fibromyalgia can be mild to severe and differ from person to person. Routine activities like working, walking, or completing chores in the house can become tiresome. Symptoms can worsen if a person is stressed, anxious or depressed.
  • There is no single pill to treat this condition. Usually, patients are treated with a combination of medication and therapy.
  • Medication helps with relieving the dull pain and fatigue. They also help in improving energy and sleep patterns. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three types of medication to treat this condition: duloxetine and milnacipran which are antidepressants, and pregabalin which is an anti-seizure drug. Antidepressants help to raise the levels of hormones such as serotonin and norepinephrine which are instrumental in pain management. However, these medications can have side effects that can range from nausea and constipation to blurry vision and dizziness. It is important to closely work with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment that will be suitable for you.
  • Exercising regularly is an important part of the recovery process. Activities like swimming, walking, aerobics in the pool, and biking can be helpful. Additionally, stretching, maintaining a correct posture, relaxation exercises, and deep breathing techniques are all useful in aiding recovery.
  • Alternative pain-relieving techniques such as acupuncture, meditation, massage therapy, yoga, and tai chi are gaining popularity in the treatment of this condition and are often effective in reducing symptoms of the condition. However, the results have not been sufficiently studied and they remain untested.