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7 Home Remedies to Manage Heartburn

7 Home Remedies to Manage Heartburn

Heartburn is a very widespread health issue in our nation. Heartburn is actually a symptom of a bigger health issue called gastrointestinal reflux disease, or GERD for short. Acid reflux is also another term used interchangeably for GERD, and this is where stomach acid irritates the lining in the throat. Heartburn can be caused by many different factors, including spicy foods, alcohol, fried or fatty foods, and peppermint. Here is a list of natural remedies to help prevent heartburn:

1. Wear loose clothing

Believe it or not, the clothes you wear can cause heartburn. Wearing tight clothing presses on the abdomen. This causes acid to rise into the esophagus, which causes heartburn. Wearing looser-fit clothes can help prevent an episode of heartburn.

2. Ginger

Ginger is used for a lot of natural remedies. Ginger is a proven food to help fight stomach pain, as it is very soothing and helps fight acid. You can take ginger with honey and lemon. Ginger is also available in many forms, including: tea, capsules, powder, and oil.

3. Elevating head and torso during sleep

One of the worst things you can do while experiencing heartburn is to lay down flat. It is very important to elevate your body from the waist up. This helps to keep stomach acid from going up from your stomach to your esophagus. Elevating your head is not enough, and you should always remember to raise your torso as well.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is used for a lot of home remedies as well. For some experiencing heartburn, apple cider vinegar has helped reduce the effects after eating. To use apple cider vinegar to combat heartburn, mix one teaspoon to one tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of water. You can take this in the morning daily or before or after meals.

5. Baking soda with water

This treatment is one that can help with the occasional heartburn episode. Mix one half teaspoon of baking soda into a four ounce glass of water. This is not something to be chugged or taken fast. This combination can cause diarrhea and gas. If heartburn pain continues, you can repeat this remedy every two hours.

Heartburn is painful, and sometimes home remedies can be the answer to the pain before resorting to medication. From how you dress and sleep, to drinking and eating certain types of food, there are multiple natural remedies to help fight and prevent heartburn. Always contact a medical professional for any questions about your health.